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This is a CICANT/Lusófona University project and aims to analyse the media coverage of the first six months of the parliamentary term of Joacine Katar Moreira, the first woman to take a new political party to the Portuguese Parliament and also the first black woman to head the list of a political party to be elected.

This investigation will cover her path, first as a representative elected by the LIVRE party, then as a non-attached MP. Given the multiple identity affiliation of its protagonist (a racialized woman, with a stutter and double nationality), this case raised specific questions in the media public space which require an intersectional approach (Cerqueira & Magalhães, 2017).

The election of Joacine Katar Moreira in the parliamentary elections of October 6, 2019, brought to the Portuguese media arena a political figure where four dimensions of novelty converged:

  1. the first woman to take a new political party to the Portuguese Parliament;
  2. the first black woman heading the list of a political party to be elected;
  3. the first Portuguese MP with a stutter;
  4. the first MP to be elected for LIVRE, a left-wing pro-Europe party, founded in 2014.

Media to be analysed from October 6 2019 to April 6 2020: